Adriano Alecchi was born in Milan in 1941. He began working for Mondadori in 1957 in a variety of positions, and since 1968 has collaborated with Panorama and Epoca. As photo-reporter of Italy’s most important news magazine, he has travelled the world to document the most important events of the past 20 years. His reports have been filed from such “hotspots” as Israel, Yugoslavia, Cuba, Egypt, Albania, Turkey, Mexico and the United States. In 1990, he photographed the collapse of the Communist regimes in a long journey through the countries of Eastern Europe. His photographs have been published not only in Panorama, but also in other leading national and international periodicals, including Epoca, Storia Illustrata, Il Milanese, Il Corriere della Sera, Repubblica, Il Giorno, TIME, Le Figarò, El Globo and many more.