Born in Naples in 1981. After his studies at the Anglo Italian School, he acquired a “Liceo Classico” school certificate. In 2006, at the end of a three-year course, he graduated with honours in photography from the IED (Istituto Europeo di Design). In 2003, he acquired a Proficiency qualification in English language. He has been a professional freelance photo-journalist since 2003. He has worked for leading national and international periodicals.
He has refined the techniques of post-production, and of the digital processing of images, participating in a workshop, held by the 10B studio in Rome.
He has been on photographic missions to Georgia, the United States, Afghanistan, Africa, the Middle East, England and Northern Europe. He specialises in reports dealing with social themes and portraits. He joined the Mondadori Portfolio team in October 2013.
see images in archive